Third World spins musical ‘majick’ at Rebel Salute 2017

Eighteenth French journalist, Antoine de Rivarol’s message should never be ignored: “The monarch may be a Nero, but he is sometimes a Titus or Marcus Aurelius; the people is often a Nero and never a Marcus Aurelius”.
This stuck with me while Third World’s Cat Coore was philosophizing about the music and performers in Jamaica.
People have to be exposed to and given good music or they won’t have any idea what is good.

VIC RAE PHOTO: Third World Band members.

I am partial to reggae bands, especially great bands. They are the spark of this tremendous musical form and Third World is creme de la creme.
Third World is in a niche by itself as it is a reggae band who does hybrid music in a style which seduces the lovers of reggae, rock, roots and pop. This band could perform for any audience. Such is their delightful presentation and musical skill. The band is comprised of people who are the top of their mastery of musical instruments.

Sculpturally perfect and danceable songs with soaring synthesizers and guitars giving off a stratospheric feeling, Third World, in my humble estimation plays mesmerizing, invigorating sophisticated music.

After a long band change, Third World trooped onstage and it was the beginning of an entertaining show beneath the brilliant light show. The reliably solid ‘Reggae Ambassador’ kicked started the show and the crowd was about to witness the best and most musically balanced act over the two days.
This was no Sunday drawn out sermon, but a sumptuous coffee b at Grizzly’s, Plantation Cove.

How could Third World be forgiven if they never performed ‘Forbidden Love?’ The allure of the look but don’t touch; touch but don’t taste, taste but don’t swallow brings out the Devil’s advocate in the song and by Jove, I felt like Al Pacino as the song’s message resounded throughout the ground.
Funky, up tempo reggae music always gives a ‘Sense of Purpose’ …a purpose predicated on jamming with one of the best reggae bands of all time.

Third World is a musical institution which exposes Jamaica’s culture and the history of the 1865 Morant Bay Rebellion lives on in the lyrics of ’96°.’
This lament is a perfect metaphor for such a post pivotal moment in Jamaica’s history and Third World applied an incandescent emotive tribute.

The guitar is one musical instrument which is a natural leader among the pantheon of instruments.
Melody is King and the best way to play fast is to play slow and Third World was master magician, continuously pulling rabbits out of hats!

A focused, spacy and resonant sound purred from Cat Coore’s guitar as he welcomed the crowd into an intimacy with this stringed wonder. A guitar solo is one of the musical wonders and a guitar needs to breathe…It needs to exhale..To be given room..To be given wings and Cat Coore did exactly that!

The great Stevie Wonder’s tribute to Bob Marley, written for Third World stirred up a storm in a teacup as ‘Try Jah Love’ revealed its true meaning and love was afloat, Alladin high on a magic carpet ride.
A Sunday morning jam with Third World will only unleash the sound of music in its most enjoyable form.
Third World proved to be the most professional act over the two nights. The blending of vocals and instruments created a harmony only seen at rock concerts. When Cat Coore made the   Guitar sing an ethereal melody, the show was done for me. That moment was the most ineffable and I still struggle to write in words what I felt.
Time flies quickly when you’re having fun and 40 minutes sped by so quickly.
“Make naddy shoock
“Make naddy shoock
“Make naddy shoock,
“Make naddy shoock,
“Make naddy shoock, shoock, shoock, shoock, all over the place!”
If you are a fan of Third World, you’ll be singing and tapping your foot to the above lyrics.
It was sad that they had to go as ‘Now That We Found Love’ took a Phoenix flight with a burning crescendo.

I finally arrived at a crossroads of my musical journey and I went through with it with flying flags. It was the performance of the two day festival and it struck right to the core!

Author Profile

I specialise in media and communications. I have also done subediting, pagination, feature writing. I believe in Jamaica's true gems - our people, skills, culture and more that makes us unique among the world's finest. I graduated from the University of the West Indies. Here are my thoughts. Enjoy, share! Link me here or or here

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